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Flatulence Filter Cushions

Written by HmD on 2/13/2009 04:26:00 PM

We have just started featuring some new and out of the box business ideas or products we have come across during our search for viable business opportunities, and this one is tops on our list for today. We came across a company that sells "Flatulence Filter Seat Cushions". Now you may have heard of this product before, but we haven't, so we are featuring this one today.

If I get the ad correctly, the cushion is supposed to decrease the noise when you pass gas and filter the air of your flatulence so that there is less of a stink scent. Yep, a product that is suppose to decrease the sound and scent of your flatulence or whatever you call it. I have no idea if this works, but you can check it out for your self at Gasbgon. They even have underwear that is supposed to filter your flatulence.

We have no idea how successful the product sales for the "Flatulence Filter Seat Cushions" are, but if sales are good, why not. If there is a market for the product, go for it.

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  1. 2 comments: Responses to “ Flatulence Filter Cushions ”

  2. By jola on February 17, 2009 at 12:07 PM

    LOL - never heard of that one!

  3. By Anonymous on March 18, 2009 at 12:12 PM

    peclizeThank you for getting wind of our company. My husband and I invented the product. Business is booming! Pardon the pun. The underwear are utilized by several thousand people. They do remove all odoriferous gases 99.9%. Rather than just a piece of carbon on the butt, the entire underwear are carbon protected. Much more costly, but 100% of satisfied customers. I am also proud to say, that all our products are manufactured in the USA

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