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The President and short term business

Written by HmD on 2/08/2009 11:41:00 AM

As sleazy as it may seem to some, when the president visits a state, businesses try to take advantage of a obviously unique opportunity. Store owners see the President as a short term cash cow for their failing businesses and so they try to sell President Obama memorabilia. As worn out as the sale of President Obama memorabilia may be in most states, its sale will always do well when he is in town.

So if you are a store owner in a state where the President has plans to visit, then you should try to advantage of it. Instead of waiting on a bailout or the stimulus plan, bail out yourselves and stimulate your own business.

For people in Florida and Indiana, the President visits your states on Tuesday 02/10/2009 and Monday 02/09/2009 respectively, so if you have interest in selling memorabilia, now is the time to plan for it.

Even if you are not a democrat, take advantage of the opportunity, as your political beliefs should not be a stumbling block to you earning extra income.

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