
Blog for those who have lost their jobs, want more from their current jobs, desire better work opportunities or just want to earn extra income.


Virtual Jobs Fair: Work Force Central Florida

Written by HmD on 2/23/2009 11:36:00 AM

With a couple weeks left to hear the unemployment numbers, I quiver when I think about the possible numbers. Hopefully, the numbers will not be as bad as January, but there is something telling me that it may be just as depressing.

For those who have fallen prey to lay offs in Central Florida, there is a virtual job fair by Workforce Central Florida, which will be held throughout this week. Even if you live outside of Florida it may be to your benefit to attend the virtual fair, especially if you are willing to relocate.

You can access the virtual fair by registering at Work Force Central Florida.

YesVideo Jobs

Written by HmD on 2/22/2009 10:50:00 AM

Just to let our viewers know that the Yes Video corporation of California which, according to their website, "transfers home videos to DVD and other digital formats", has decided to open a new production center in Gwinnett County Georgia and will be hiring 300 hundred new employees.

Interviews will begin on March 2 and will end March 16.

For more information, call their toll free number 877-817-5375.

The Yo, God! God Detector

Written by HmD on 2/17/2009 11:54:00 PM

Well, we thought we saw it all until we came across the God Detector.

As is our usual routine, we search for unique business ideas and products to identify opportunities for us. During our search, we found the God Detector, which, as advertised by the people who sells it, "Gives God a way to send a simple, unambiguous message of His presence".

Who are the potential buyers? obviously, their target market includes Christians, skeptics and the curious buyer, which is a huge market to tackle.

I visited their site recently and they have a comments section which shows over 400 comments from both Christians and Atheist. The God Detector has obviously caused a stir, which may have been the intention of the people who made the product apart from their religious persuasion. Whatever you may think of the product, the interest in the product may be a very good thing for the company who made it as casual interest can lead to sales.

For those who are interested in seeing the comments, see the following link - Yo-God Comments.

Starting a Skateboard Shop

Written by HmD on 2/16/2009 01:35:00 PM

Among the interests that we have explored over the past couple of months or so is the possibility of starting a skateboard shop. At a start up cost between $15,000 to $50,000 to set up a store, $1,000 to $25,000 for an online store and great revenue possibilities, it seems like a great business opportunity. There are a number of things you need to consider if you want to open a skateboard shop.

Business Start-up

Before you start up any business, you will have to check whether you will be able make a profit from your efforts. The preferred way to do this is to compare estimates of your costs and revenues for a period and then see if this fits in with what you want for yourself.

You should ensure that your shop is located in an area with a young population and where there is a skateboard park close by.

Ensure that you get a license to operate a business in the area you want to set up.

Try to start small. Rent a small shop and then expand if the need arises.

Get suppliers that are close to your expected location.

Ensure that you either have the cash or credit to cover all the start up costs.

Shop Set up

You may need the following items:

Glass case and shelves for products.

Computers, Televisions and DVD's to display your products and to advertise for other stores.

If you are going to make skateboards rather than just being a retailer, then you will need a workbench, Bearing press and shelves to keep your tools.

You should ensure that you stock a variety of skating products at different values so that you will be able to cover the newbie skater and the professional.


Promoting your shop is important. You should consider;

Handing out fliers at skateboard parks.

Setting up a blog or website for your shop.

Joining social media like Twitter and Face book is also great for promoting your shop, especially if you sell your items online.

You can also show off your skills on Youtube as a means of promoting your skating goods;

Giving away your T-Shirts and Car & Skateboard Stickers with your shops logo on it;

Organize skating events in the name of your skateboard shop;

Start a skateboard team ensuring that your products are used by the team members when they compete; and

Train interested people and put on community demo's.


Ensure that you have a great line of high quality products from great brands.

Ensure that the products you make can compete with the brand name products; and

You should stock as many accessories like helmets, elbow guards, grip tape and shoes. Other skating products to consider are skateboard ramps, bearings, birdhouses and decks.

Good Luck

Flatulence Filter Cushions

Written by HmD on 2/13/2009 04:26:00 PM

We have just started featuring some new and out of the box business ideas or products we have come across during our search for viable business opportunities, and this one is tops on our list for today. We came across a company that sells "Flatulence Filter Seat Cushions". Now you may have heard of this product before, but we haven't, so we are featuring this one today.

If I get the ad correctly, the cushion is supposed to decrease the noise when you pass gas and filter the air of your flatulence so that there is less of a stink scent. Yep, a product that is suppose to decrease the sound and scent of your flatulence or whatever you call it. I have no idea if this works, but you can check it out for your self at Gasbgon. They even have underwear that is supposed to filter your flatulence.

We have no idea how successful the product sales for the "Flatulence Filter Seat Cushions" are, but if sales are good, why not. If there is a market for the product, go for it.

Sacremento's Amgen Tour and its business opportunities

Written by HmD on 2/08/2009 10:02:00 PM

The 2009 Amgen Tour of California Prologue time trial race is a collection of the worlds top cyclists. It is a nine day stage race of about 750 miles and will include cyclist like Lance Armstrong (USA) and Ivan Basso (Italy). The Amgen Tour will commence on Valentines day and is expected to draw at least 75,000 people to the streets of Downtown Sacramento. With this expected 75,000 person attendance, the surrounding businesses should be in a bee like frenzy to organize their product lines to suite the crowds and the people who have already started making their preparations to go to the event. I see this tour as a chance to earn a little extra.

Apart from the obvious valentines day sales surge and the certain preparations store owners are making to sell valentines day stuff during the event, there are two sets of products that they and any other person interested in making a extra buck should consider selling during this period.

Bicycles and Bicycle accessories Expo. - Cycling events draws thousands of cycling enthusiasts who are interested in seeing the latest bicycle models and accessories. Expo organizers earns revenue by charging people interested in promoting their products, a fee for each booth they occupy.

Bike stunt concerts - These concerts, which apart from bike stunts, usually involves live performances from musicians, are meant to draw a younger audience.

Pimped bicycle contest - I saw an event like this in Brazil a couple years ago during a local cycling meet. The contestants had to pay a fee to enter the contest and the winner and runner up won small prizes.

Children bike derby - This includes setting up a small stadium style track for children to compete in bicycle races. There is an obvious entry fee and vending machines for extra income.

Bicycles and Bicycle accessories - As said before this event usually bring thousands of cycling enthusiasts. These people are usually in search of accessories for their bikes and if they get the right deal, a new bicycle. Given the economy though, store owners should not overstock with bicycles and its accessories as there is no guarantee of a purchase.

Selling photographs - If you can get great photographs of the athletes while they are in action, those photos can make you a little extra income. Most sports sites like Foxsports and ESPN are willing to purchase pics if they are better than those that they have taken.

Amgen Tour Memorabilia - The attendants of this meet will want memories of the event and sometimes their is nothing better than authentic memorabilia to ink an experience in your memory. Amgens online store has a wide range of memorabilia that you can get online, so various tastes can be satisfied.

The President and short term business

Written by HmD on 2/08/2009 11:41:00 AM

As sleazy as it may seem to some, when the president visits a state, businesses try to take advantage of a obviously unique opportunity. Store owners see the President as a short term cash cow for their failing businesses and so they try to sell President Obama memorabilia. As worn out as the sale of President Obama memorabilia may be in most states, its sale will always do well when he is in town.

So if you are a store owner in a state where the President has plans to visit, then you should try to advantage of it. Instead of waiting on a bailout or the stimulus plan, bail out yourselves and stimulate your own business.

For people in Florida and Indiana, the President visits your states on Tuesday 02/10/2009 and Monday 02/09/2009 respectively, so if you have interest in selling memorabilia, now is the time to plan for it.

Even if you are not a democrat, take advantage of the opportunity, as your political beliefs should not be a stumbling block to you earning extra income.

California: Two new laws, two new business opportunities

Written by HmD on 2/08/2009 10:50:00 AM

The Governator, Governor of California Arnold Schwarzenegger introduced a flurry of new laws during the start of 2009, two of which have caught my interest as possible short term business opportunities.

The first law of interest has to do with fire prevention. With the risk of wild fires being so high in California, law makers have decided to introduce a law which requires homeowners to clear bush that is 100 feet outside of their houses. This law opens the door for people who own landscaping businesses to earn extra revenue. Even for people who have no experience in landscaping, this is an opportunity, as landscaping, if you have the right equipment, can be easy. The new law also calls for better pest control in California forests. If Law Makers or the relevant agency allows private entities to help in this renewed effort to control pests that destroy/kills trees in California Forests, then this is another opportunity for Pest Control businesses.

The other law of interest has to do with Mobile homes. New requirements calls for all newly manufactured mobile homes to have smoke detectors in all rooms designed for sleeping. It also calls for Seismic braces (for safety during earthquakes) and water heaters fired by gas. So their is an obvious opportunity for businesses that sell smoke detectors Seismic Braces and Water heaters. I most admit however that most Mobile home manufacturers will stick to the suppliers they already have, but may think of new suppliers given the state of the economy and their aim to reduce the cost of supplies.

Movable Wall Cupboard for clothes

Written by HmD on 2/07/2009 07:57:00 PM

With the economy the way how it is, no one wants to spend money making their room more spacious so that they can have a better organized room. We are therefore trying to create a wall cupboard that can hold at least 30 pieces of clothing on hangers. Even though the design is a work in progress, the idea is a simple one and should not take much more time to complete.

Potential issues that we are working on:

The weight of 30 pieces of clothing may be too much for dry wall and so we have to provide extra weight support.

The exterior design is similar to an ordinary cupboard.

Baby Product Coupons

Written by HmD on 2/07/2009 05:41:00 PM

Here are a few coupons for baby products that I found recently.

Please ignore coupons that have expired and feel free to print those that are current.

Please leave a comment if the coupon you are interested in has expired.

Childrens Place Coupons (Sign up for a special 15% off coupon)

Johnson & Johnson Coupons (baby products)

Luvs Diapers ($1 mail in diaper coupon)

Motherhood Maternity (Gift bag and coupons for a variety of products)

Gerber Coupons (A variety of baby foods)

Beechnut Coupons (A variety of baby foods)

Desitin Baby Cream Coupons (Coupons for baby cream)

Earths Best Baby Food Coupons (A variety of baby foods)

Pampers Printable Coupons ( Pampers Slashers)

Toys R Us Coupons (A variety of baby toys)

Cuts in wildlife budgets an opportunity for extra revenue

Written by HmD on 2/06/2009 01:26:00 PM

As States try to cope with deficits in their local budgets, staff cuts and reduction in hours have become more prevalent. In Nevada for example, there have been staffing cuts in their Wild Life Department which has slowed their response to Nevada residents complaints of wild animals like bears and coyotes in and around their homes.

Additionally, if Gov. Jim Gibbons proposed budget is passed, then there could be cuts of 15% or more.

With this new development, there is a growing opportunity for private wild life response teams to step in and provide animal removal services and consultancy to persons in urban areas who have issues with slow response times.

We most not depend on Government to solve all our problems. We should try to make a market for our selves when Government lacks the capacity to deal with the issues we face. So if you have the experience and facilities, this may be an opportunity for you.

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Here I'll share my knowledge, discovery and experience related to my hobby and work. Most articles on this site are related to job fulfillment and tips on how to make money from home.

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