Written by HmD on 2/16/2009 01:35:00 PM
Among the interests that we have explored over the past couple of months or so is the possibility of starting a skateboard shop. At a start up cost between $15,000 to $50,000 to set up a store, $1,000 to $25,000 for an online store and great revenue possibilities, it seems like a great business opportunity. There are a number of things you need to consider if you want to open a skateboard shop.
Business Start-up
Before you start up any business, you will have to check whether you will be able make a profit from your efforts. The preferred way to do this is to compare estimates of your costs and revenues for a period and then see if this fits in with what you want for yourself.
You should ensure that your shop is located in an area with a young population and where there is a skateboard park close by.
Ensure that you get a license to operate a business in the area you want to set up.
Try to start small. Rent a small shop and then expand if the need arises.
Get suppliers that are close to your expected location.
Ensure that you either have the cash or credit to cover all the start up costs.
Shop Set up
You may need the following items:
Glass case and shelves for products.
Computers, Televisions and DVD's to display your products and to advertise for other stores.
If you are going to make skateboards rather than just being a retailer, then you will need a workbench, Bearing press and shelves to keep your tools.
You should ensure that you stock a variety of skating products at different values so that you will be able to cover the newbie skater and the professional.
Promoting your shop is important. You should consider;
Handing out fliers at skateboard parks.
Setting up a blog or website for your shop.
Joining social media like Twitter and Face book is also great for promoting your shop, especially if you sell your items online.
You can also show off your skills on Youtube as a means of promoting your skating goods;
Giving away your T-Shirts and Car & Skateboard Stickers with your shops logo on it;
Organize skating events in the name of your skateboard shop;
Start a skateboard team ensuring that your products are used by the team members when they compete; and
Train interested people and put on community demo's.
Ensure that you have a great line of high quality products from great brands.
Ensure that the products you make can compete with the brand name products; and
You should stock as many accessories like helmets, elbow guards, grip tape and shoes. Other skating products to consider are skateboard ramps, bearings, birdhouses and decks.
Good Luck
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Business Ideas