
Blog for those who have lost their jobs, want more from their current jobs, desire better work opportunities or just want to earn extra income.


DaJobSucks Blog Carnival

Written by HmD on 11/18/2008 12:07:00 AM

This is the first edition of our fortnightly Business blog carnival. We have selected all the articles that we think best represents what we want from participants and which best represents the goals of this carnival and the needs of the people who read this blog. Thanks for your participation and continue to send your links to our carnival.

The next edition of this carnival will be on the 23/11/2008, the deadline for submissions to which will be 21/11/2008, 12:01 A.M.

Teaser taken from his article "At some point, we all dream of being our own boss, making our own work hours and creating a multi-million dollar business. So how do you get started? If you ever thought about starting your own busin......."

Teaser taken from his article "The idea of choosing the best home based business is somewhat of a fallacy. It gets back to people procrastinating and looking for the perfect start - the flying start which will take them from zero to hero in a sh......."

Teaser taken from her article "Most people who run a website are interesting in monetizing it; people love to get paid for what they love to do and blogging, a passion of hundreds of billions of people around the world, is one of the biggest topics of conversation on the int......."

Teaser taken from his article "This weekend a flyer dropped through our letter box informing us of a newly set up dog walking service in Westbury. I was surprised at the rates - they charge £6 per hour for one dog and £10 per hour for a pair, which seemed quite high to me, after all walking my dog is something I enjoy, in fact I pa......."

Teaser taken from there article "If you are searching for how to make money or pay down high interest debt with the top balance transfer offers, you’ve come to the right place. The short list of credit cards I’ve listed here are all currently running 0% APR offers for 12 months. They represent the best of breed recommendations for this special card category."

Teaser taken from her article "It seems one of the greatest challenges for those new to the world of Internet Marketing is to know who to trust when it comes to who they are, what they know and have they truly accomplished that which they claim to be an expert at?"

Teaser taken from his article "Slogan writing is a skill where a copywriter can shine, or completely drop the ball. It all depends on how you approach it. Most companies will approach it from a “branding” standpoint, which is fine, but not if it’s “image-oriented” advertising."

Teaser taken from her article "Scan your sales message. Are you using vibrant words - especially verbs - to trigger emotions, paint a vivid picture and hopefully, catapult your reader into action?"


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  1. 1 comments: Responses to “ DaJobSucks Blog Carnival ”

  2. By Anonymous on November 21, 2008 at 2:36 AM

    Thanks so much for including my post about YouData!

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Here I'll share my knowledge, discovery and experience related to my hobby and work. Most articles on this site are related to job fulfillment and tips on how to make money from home.

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