Dajobsucks bloggers - Work from home carnival
Written by HmD on 10/27/2008 10:05:00 AMOn Sunday, November 9th, 2008, we officially start our weekly blog carnival. This blog carnival is for entrepreneurs, workers from home and job hunters. With all the talk about our economy crumbling, we think it is about time to focus on new revenue earning opportunities (whether work or business) and business creativity.
How this carnival works
We will publish the topics for each carnival.
You submit your articles to h.m.dewalt@gmail.com or through BlogCarnival.com.
The articles are reviewed by us before publication.
If your article is approved, we will publish them two days after the deadline for submission.
You then add the links to our blog and the other articles in the carnival from the other participants to your article. If the articles are not added to your blog within two days of the carnival, then your submission will be deleted.
Topic - " All article submissions are eligible "
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