Homeless Shelters in America
Written by HmD on 11/20/2008 11:38:00 PMI took the number 1 Train from Manhattan to the Bronx a couple weeks ago and saw a couple sleeping in the train. They had recently lost their homes due to foreclosure and lost their jobs because of lay offs. I wanted to help but I could not because I have also suffered as a result of the recession. What I decided to do though was to make available a list of all the homeless shelters in America that I could locate through research online and publish it on my blog.
Please, if you know someone facing issues similar to the couple above and you do not have the resources to help them, then refer them to the shelters in the links below.
Alabama | Iowa | Nebraska | Rhode Island |
Arizona | Kansas | Nevada | South Carolina |
Arkansas | Kentucky | New Hampshire | South Dakota |
California | Louisiana | New Jersey | Tennessee |
Colorado | Maine | New Mexico | Texas |
Connecticut | Maryland | New York | Utah |
Delaware | Massachusetts | North Carolina | Vermont |
Florida | Michigan | North Dakota | Virginia |
Georgia | Minnesota | Ohio | Washington State |
Idaho | Mississippi | Oklahoma | West Virginia |
Illinois | Missouri | Oregon | Wisconsin |
Indiana | Montana | Pennsylvania | Wyoming |
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