
Blog for those who have lost their jobs, want more from their current jobs, desire better work opportunities or just want to earn extra income.


Unemployment, Time and Creativity

Written by HmD on 4/08/2011 10:58:00 AM

I read a book a while back, sorry I don't remember its name, that claimed that 95% of all business came out of desperation, people who had no choice but to rely on themselves for their own salary. They can't take comfort in a monthly salary, but their salary is based on how much work they put in and how creative they can be.

While I would not wish desperation on anyone, it is through the same desperation that you may accomplish more than you ever did with a full time job. The main reasons why desperation spurs industry is that:

  1. YOU HAVE TO MAKE IT AND WILL DO WHATEVER IT TAKES TO DO SO. We will generally sacrifice much if we know that our actions will impact ourselves and our families directly. Knowledge of the fact that no work may mean no food can be very motivating. 
  2. Most importantly, you tend to be more creative, as you have nothing but time to think and come up with ideas that you would not have time to do with a nine to five.
Creativity is a function of time and unbridled thought. No boundaries, no disturbances, no boss calling you to come up with a quick fix for problems. We have the time to expand our craniums, you know, that thing we have dedicated to lining our bosses pocket. We now have time to conjure schemes to line our own pockets.

Take the time today to be creative if you have nothing to do you may surprise yourself. Use what you have been given and don't wait for a job to come out of thin air.

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  1. 2 comments: Responses to “ Unemployment, Time and Creativity ”

  2. By Anonymous on May 11, 2011 at 12:44 AM

    wow, your blog was very well written. I loved it. I wanted to share a tip about a website called typobounty.com They offer a creative way to make extra money. www.typobounty.com

  3. By Ajlounyinjurylaw on January 10, 2012 at 2:39 PM

    Good advice for those that feel burnt out. Light a fire.

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