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Suicide Hotlines

Written by HmD on 1/09/2009 10:37:00 AM

I heard some disturbing news on the increasing rate of people calling crisis hotlines about their wanting to commit suicide. According to the CNN report, some crisis hotlines has seen increases of about 124% in the amount of people who are threatening to commit suicide. I am not very shocked at the news however. In an age where people place so much importance on having material things, but because of the current recession, cannot afford them or afford to keep them, suicide for many seems like the only option. Some may be in debt and do not see a ray of hope or maybe they have to watch their children stand in line for food because they cannot afford to buy food. Some have lost jobs (over 500,000 in December 09) and some have had to close down their businesses. Whatever the reason, some see suicide as the only option.

If you are in this position, or know people in this position, please refer them to the crisis hotlines and links below:

National Suicide Prevention Hotline

USA National Suicide Hotlines

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline

Suicide and Mental Health Association International

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