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Errand Service

Written by HmD on 8/25/2008 09:35:00 AM

The management of time is critical as it relates to the generation of wealth and as such, many companies and individuals have chosen to order their affairs in such a way that their time is spent efficiently. One step they usually take to ensure that their time is spent efficiently and on those things that generate income, is to contract people to run errands for them, rather than using their own staff. Apart from companies though, their are individuals who, because they are ill or have some sort of disability, are strapped for time or just had a child, are willing to pay someone to run errands for them. For years many have chosen to start errand services because of the foregoing reasons and have survived doing it, some making up to 40,000 per year.

There are seven facts you should know about Errand services:

If you have a vehicle, your start up costs will be relatively low, which makes errand services so attractive for persons seeking to set up their own business.

Just like any other business, advertising is key. There are many errand services, and as such you have to promote your service so that you can get the clients you want. There are many ways you can advertise, but the methods that usually works for this kind of business are, advertising on craigslist, advertising in your local newspapers, posting flyer's and posting your business on bulletin boards and on forums. You can also place advertisements on the vehicle you use to do your errands.

The most cost effective vehicle to use for running errands is a motor bike. Bikes use much less gas and require less maintenance than a car or van, so having a bike for small deliveries and cars for large deliveries may be the best cost effective method to use.

Holidays are great for errand runners. The Christmas holidays is usually the peak for errand runners and so if you are interested in starting a similar business, you should pay special attention to this period. During off peak periods you can approach nursing homes and parents with new born babies to earn revenue.

The fees that you charge should be based on the market rates, the type of package being delivered and the distance you have to travel. Services generally averages between $25 to $125 per hour for general services.

Errands can be done online. If you are at the point where you can have a website, then requests can be made online. Some in the industry calls it Virtual Assistance, which has grown over the years and is currently a 250 million dollar industry.

Ensure that you check your local and state regulations before you start your errand business.

Be careful of the packages you deliver. Some criminals may pose as legitimate business and ask you to deliver illegal items for them. Try to run errands for established businesses.

Errand runners can be the target of robbers, so you have to be careful of where deliveries are to be made. It is good to blacklist unsafe locations.

Your availability is key to persons who require the services of a errand runner. You have to be readily available and easy to contact or you will lose customers very quickly.

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