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Safety for a real estate agent

Written by HmD on 6/04/2009 10:42:00 AM

Here are some safety tips for real estate agents:

If you have an appointment with a client, always inform your co-workers, friends or family of where you will be going and when to expect you back in office or at home and let the client know that they know.

Always make the client walk in front of you when showing them a house.

Know all the possible exits from the house you are displaying just in case you have to make a run for it.

Try to deal with multiple clients at once, in other words try to ensure that you are meeting with more than one clients at a home. Open houses are usually the best way to ensure this.

Have a draft emergency message that can be sent to your office or family if you are having any safety issues.

If possible, have someone accompany you to meetings with clients.

Try to avoid showing homes at nights.

Avoid wearing expensive jewelery when showing a home.

Always travel on main roads and roads that has good lighting.

Take self defense classes.

Walk with pepper spray or a taser gun (if it is legal to do so).

Avoid going to criminal infested neighborhoods.

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