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My employers main aim is my worst nightmare

Written by HmD on 9/19/2008 02:04:00 PM

What is your employers personal motive for running a business? If you think it is to help you accomplish your goals and dreams, to allow you to have a balanced life or to live comfortably because you are being paid well, think again. Your employers main aim is to make money and anything that they can do to earn that money, they will usually do.

What I just mentioned may not be true for all employers, but most employers focus on the bottom line, which, in and of itself is not bad because you start a business to earn money, however, it usually comes at a price. That price is the well being of their employees.

It is hard to find a boss with scruples, always reaching for the deluxe apartment in the sky, but never letting their staff in on this dream. You are paid little but expected to satisfy all their expectations. Friends, family and life has to be placed on the back burner in the aim of earning just that extra buck for them. This is the case for many of us, but yet we need these jobs to survive, which is what gets me depressed at times. You want to leave but you can't, so you go through your days leaving a piece of yourself and your dreams at work while your employers dreams and aims are met.

Whats the sense, I give up, why fight it, it only makes the pain worse.

Written by: The depressed employee

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